giving to cls
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Your generous support means that people facing eviction can stay housed, domestic violence survivors can leave abusive relationships and that veterans needing health care get the benefits they deserve.
To make an online donation, please visit our Secure Donation Portal below to complete your transaction.
(42 USC 2996 et. seq.)and regulations (45 CFR 1600 et. seq.).
Other Ways to Give
Donate by Check
If you prefer to mail a check instead of using the above form, please send a check payable to Community Legal Services and mail to:
Community Legal Services
Attention: Development Department
305 S. 2nd Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85003
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CLS is an Arizona Qualified Charitable Organization
Community Legal Services is listed as a Qualified Charitable Organization by the Arizona Department of Revenue and donations to CLS may be eligible for the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit.
How does it work? You can make a donation to Community Legal Services of any amount (up to $400 if filing singly or $800 if filing jointly for your Arizona state tax return). When you file your Arizona taxes, you can claim a dollar-for-dollar Arizona Charitable Tax Credit that will either reduce your tax liability or increase your refund.The good news is, you no longer have to itemize your deductions in order to receive this credit! Complete AZ Form 321 and include it when you file this year’s state taxes. Our Qualifying Charitable Organization Code is 20534.
For more information, visit the Arizona Department of Revenue at and click on Tax Credits/Credit for donations made to qualifying charitable organizations, or contact your financial advisor or tax preparer.
Direct your Cy Pres Funds to Community Legal Services
Studies estimate that fewer than one in five of the low income individuals who have immediate legal problems are able to get help. Cy pres awards can help close this “justice gap” by providing additional resources to expand services that afford equal access to justice to people who otherwise will go unrepresented.
What is a cy pres award? Cy pres is rooted in the French language and means as near or so near. When there are undistributed settlement funds from a class action settlement, a court may approve or order, that a nonprofit is designated as the recipient of the unclaimed settlement funds. Given the mission of Community Legal Services and with more than 1 million people financially eligible for legal services across our service area, CLS is favorably considered by the courts to be an excellent choice for cy pres awards. For more information about making a donation through a cy pres award, please contact The Office of Development and Communications at
Support Community Legal Services Through Planned Giving
Planned Giving
Community Legal Services has been dedicated to providing free legal services to low income residents of Arizona since 1952. A planned gift to Community Legal Services demonstrates your belief in our mission and your commitment to ensure access to justice for all. By including Community Legal Services in your estate plan, you can help secure justice for those in need for years to come.
One of the simplest ways you can benefit Community Legal Services is by making a specific bequest in your will or trust. A bequest is a gift of a specific sum of money or a specific asset which is made upon your death. The funds can then be used by CLS for our general operating needs or you could specify a specific program you wish to benefit.
If you already have a will or trust, you can provide for CLS by making a codicil to your will or an amendment to the trust. If you don’t already have an estate plan, now may be a good time to get your plan in place.
Making a bequest to CLS via your estate plan may reduce estate taxes. We encourage you to seek the advice of an estate planning attorney and/or CPA to discuss potential tax implications.
Our Finances
Community Legal Services, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Tax ID 86-0166615.
Arizona Qualifying Charitable Organization #20534.