Home » Volunteer Lawyers Program

Join VLP
Join The Volunteer Lawyers Program (VLP) as an attorney, to provide pro bono representation, brief advocacy, legal advice or education to clients.
VLP has opportunities for attorneys, law school graduates and others with law-related skills.
Attorneys are asked to complete the Attorney Enrollment form.
Law school graduates and others with law-related skills are asked to complete the Volunteer Application form .
Pro Bono Services
Volunteer lawyers help Community Legal Services do more to obtain fair treatment and justice for Arizonans.
Arizona licensed attorneys provide free legal advice, brief help and representation to supplement what CLS staff can do.
Children's Law Center
- Arrange volunteer lawyers to represent grandparents and others who care for children and need to become guardians or adopt.
- Assist children and the Family Court by serving as Court Appointed Advisors at the request of the Court.
- Provide group clinics to help grandparents and others who plan to represent themselves to become guardians of minor children.
- Provide legal advice about juvenile law issues at walk-in clinics at the Juvenile Court in Phoenix.
- Give advice at healthcare centers to help people with civil legal needs.
Family Lawyers Assistance Project
Arrange experienced family law attorneys who provide legal advice and brief help to people who cannot afford to hire an attorney and have important family law issues such as divorce, child support, legal decision-making about children and parenting time.
HIV/AIDS Law Project
Provides legal advice, assistance with estate planning documents and referrals for people living with HIV or AIDS.
Bankruptcy Friend of the Court Program
Provide volunteer bankruptcy attorneys and volunteer law students who assist when families are representing themselves in U.S. Bankruptcy Court reaffirmation hearings.
Probate Lawyers Assistance Project
VLP is one of the sponsors of this service that arranges experienced probate attorneys who provide legal advice or brief help on probate issues.
Assistance to Non Profit Organizations
Arrange volunteer lawyers to advise and provide transactional (not litigation) help to nonprofit groups that serve children or individuals with limited income.
Federal Court Self-Service Clinic
Provide experienced federal court litigators who volunteer at the District Court in Phoenix to advise people who are representing themselves in civil cases in the District Court.
Volunteer Lawyers Program Opportunities
VLP offers many rewarding ways private lawyers can volunteer.
VLP recruits, trains, coordinates, and supports volunteer lawyers to assist children, families, and adults who have civil (not criminal) legal issues and cannot afford legal help.
Opportunities For Attorneys Licensed to Practice in AZ
- Conduct interviews to evaluate for legal merit.
- Provide advice in-person or by phone.
- Assist consumers who have been treated unfairly or defrauded.
- Advise tenants about their rights and how to resolve issues with landlords.
- Help homeowners with issues about home repairs, deeds, and homeowner associations.
- Help families become guardians for adult family members with disabilities who cannot make their own decisions.
- Represent grandparents seeking minor guardianship or adoption to care for their grandchildren.
- Provide family law advice to people representing themselves.
- Provide representation for victims of domestic violence needing Family Court action to protect themselves and their children.
- Represent people with low incomes who need help to present their defense to a tort motor vehicle claim.
- Serve as a consultant or mentor to assist a volunteer attorney with less experience in an area of law.
- Provide transactional help to a nonprofit organization.
- Educate the public.
Opportunities for Law School Graduates and others with Law-related skills
- Law graduates assist licensed attorneys to allow more people to receive help.
- Interpreters help VLP provide language access.
- Private investigators assist volunteer attorneys representing clients.
- Process servers help volunteer attorneys and reduce costs for clients with limited resources.
- Law students work with volunteer bankruptcy attorneys to help families and the Bankruptcy Court as Friends of the Court.
- Volunteers conduct legal research to support staff and volunteer attorneys.
Rewards and Benefits of Volunteering through VLP
- Community Legal Services screens for eligibility so you know clients have financial need
- Volunteer attorneys interview and evaluate requests for legal merit before they are referred so you know it is likely you can make a difference
- Community Legal Services provides primary malpractice coverage for all volunteer attorneys
- Experienced volunteer attorneys will assist as mentors or consultants
- CLS’ Volunteer Lawyers Program can provide verification of pro bono hours so you can claim self-study CLE credits up to 5 per year for 25 hours of service
- There are many different ways you can volunteer, including many that require only brief time commitments
- VLP provides free continuing legal education training
- CLS’ VLP provides recognition through publications and awards
- It is rewarding to make a difference!